47878Tubas Charitable Society , The Palestinian Women General Union - Tubas branch in partnership with Tubas Governorate and the Women Center For legal and social counseling  donated  by Drososs (Swiss Foundation) as work day to support the soldiery  of the Palestinian women farmers they are suffering from low-income in the northern Jordan Valley to contributed in Palestinian products to support the boycott of Israeli goods, especially these sites targeted by Israeli occupation and its surrounded by Israeli settlements they  suffering from political , economic violence.
In the early morning the activists feminist went the to the Jordan valley Kardalla village to several plantations of crops such as tomatoes, eggplant, beans, paprika and chili in addition to farms peas option in groups of five women in each farm.
Maha Daraghmeh the head of TCS said  about the importance of these activities to help women in efferent ways and reduce their social and political pressure, she stressed the importance of the partnership between the local government and civil society organizations and the needs of focus of media on these Marginalized sites and its violence suffering from it.